Wednesday, June 17, 2009


This morning I didn't go into work until noon, so I thought it would be a great time to try to get Kennedy to go to the potty. She was playing in her room and I brought the toilet in there so she could sit on it. She sat on it and kept saying" I'm going to pooh pooh in it" I said "that's great". But all she did was a little toot. About an hour later she wanted a piece of gum so I told her she needed to use the potty first before getting a piece of gum. Well, she went peed! She wanted to dump it in the toilet and then she needed to go some more so she did. I was so proud of her. We called and left a message on Trey’s phone….she kept saying “daddy, I peed!” I know it’s a long road ahead, but I’m so proud of her.


Anonymous said...

Yea! It will happen faster than you think! It seems like one day Carley just decided to do it all the time. We had been working on it for months, then one day it just clicked for her!

Anonymous said...

let me lick your pussy and you can pee straight into my mouth