Saturday, September 6, 2008

Sherry Boerjan turn's 60!

Sherry(Trey's mom) enters into the ripe old age of 60! I didn't get any cake shots, but there are a few pictures of the birthday girl with two of her grand kids, Kylie and Kennedy. Deanna(Sherry's old roommate) and Janet/Gretchen Ellison came over to help celebrate the big day.

Kennedy didn't know what to think of Sherry holding this little baby...she would go up to Sherry with both palms up and would open/close them to signal she wanted to be picked up. She finally warmed up to the idea of Kylie and gave her kisses and patted her hair.Here is Sherry and Kylie(5 Months).

Sherry, Kylie, and Kennedy in the rocking chair.

Trey and I were in the process of changing Kennedy's diaper, but she decided to keep rolling back and forth. We finally just gave up and allowed the little one to roam diaper free. Well, she got up on Sherry's lap to eat cake and ice cream and yep...she pee peed on her. Janet thought it would be smart to put a pad under Kennedy to soak everything up.

I should of really posted this photo of Kennedy pushing the cooler around the house with two, five pound bags of ice in it, in her "favorite things" to do right now. She loves pushing anything she can get her hands on. If we go to the grocery store she loves to walk behind the cart and push it. Along, with anything else that has wheels(like her stroller) or that does not have wheels. This is how she kept herself entertained at Laura and Kenneth's house.

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