Saturday, August 30, 2008

Frank Dodson turns 60!

Frank Dodson, Trey's father, turns 60 on Sept 6. We decide to get together the weekend before to celebrate with him entering into this new age. Happy Early birthday Gramps!

Frank with his cake

Frank with Kennedy, Emma, and Kylie(his grandchildren)

Kennedy and Emma,Aimee's daughter, enjoyed playing with one another. Here they share Kennedy's pacifiers.

Kennedy and Emma thought it would be fun to kick their feet.Oh, if we could just laugh like this by simply moving our bodies.

At the end of the evening, Kennedy decided to dress herself. Let's hope her color coordination will become better...

At Trey's grandparents house the same weekend as the birthday gathering, Kennedy found that she loved to walk in and out of the cabinets. Back and forth she went....


Anonymous said...

It was a GREAT DAY with my kids, grandkids and mom and dad and friend Joy. I have not had such a good time in a long time. thanks everyone. DAD

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

lucky daddy if he gets "play" with them 2 I bet they taste sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet