Tuesday, December 31, 2013

December 2013

Kennedy had her South America night presentation at school . Robin/ Dad, Sherry/ Kirk, and us all went to watch her recite her poem, speak in Spanish, and take part in reading a narrative.  She created a face mask, moi statue, rainstick, book on South America birds, Sewed Trey a wallet, drew the continent of South America, and made a gourd bird.  We were so proud of her. We even at some items the kids made from that area. 


When I spoke with Mrs. Mathis about Kennedy’s frustration with the stamp game, Mrs. Mathis said that Kennedy is doing wonderful. She’s the first kid doing the multiplication part of the game so that part is frustrating for her because it’s time consuming. She’s already done the addition, subtraction, and division.

Over the Thanksgiving Holiday, we went to dad and Robin’s for Thanksgiving. We had a nice time visiting with them and papaw.  Over the weekend, we had August’ s friend Melody over for a play date, went with Paula/Russell and the kids to see the movie Frozen, and the  Girls and I successful put up the Christmas tree and outside decorations.  

Kennedy and August had their Christmas presentation at the school. Both of them did so well singing aloud.


We also got an Elf on Shelf mid- December. He’s been very supportive of the kids about taking their medicine, brushing their teeth, turning off lights, and signing loud at the school performance. One day, Mr. Elf(what the girls have named him), packed their lunches for school(most of their food items had been wrapped ).

We went with the Knussmann’s to walk the Trail of Lights in Austin. If the 1 ½ bus line wasn’t so long just to go walk the trail, I would probably say we would do it again. The lights were nice, but not worth waiting in line for a total of 3 hours.
Daddo got put into a nursing home so we decided we would take Curly, the Bichon Poodle, that mom and Jim had gotten him. So far we are still in training mode, but I believe he is happy to be with us. The girls have really helped with him. August will chase him around the house and both girls are helping take him for walks. I think he is a wonderful addition to the family.  Trey built a little dog run via a zip cord for him to use. At first, he wasn't very fond of being outside by himself but I think he is starting to be o.k. with it.  He loves to sleep on one of the red blankets mom had bought us, so he just snuggles up on it.  August tried putting her headbands on him, which he immediately shook off. I'm looking forward to the day when we don't have to have him on the leach when we go outside and he'll come at the call of his name(right now he darts off).

August had her midyear gymnastics performance. She did so well. I wish I would of been able to capture her big smile, it's contagious.

The Christmas gatherings have begun. Here are some pictures from the family gatherings:


We met Rhonda and Carley for lunch in New Braunfels. Here the kids play in the sand.

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