Wow, it's already October and I've realized I haven't upload any photos for September yet. Man, time is just blasting by.
Milton Palmer had his season tickets for sale for the Arkansas vs A&M game. Trey and I purchased them and went to watch the Aggies play in their first SEC game against Arkansas. We won! I'm so proud of the way we have been playing.We had such a great time at the game. We ended up going and visiting with Trey's Captain, Captain Ram, at his tail gate party. Some of the kids were dunking their Aggie rings in their picture of beer. They now have shirts that you can write in your time on the back, where was that when I was in school? We then went and bought some shirts for the girls, as seen below. It's amazing how I always feel after a trip to College Station. The memories and sense of accomplishments that are renewed from the Spirit of Aggieland. I have a shirt that says it best:" From the outside looking in, you can’t understand it; From the inside looking out, you can’t explain it.”
Trey and Ram |
Hanging with Papa Bill while parents are at game. Check out our jewelry we made! |
Mud water |
Halloween, we are ready for you! |
At the outlet mall. What's great its fun just to sit on without putting a quarter in. |
August at Target trying on different masks. |
Daphene from Scooby Doo, the dress is a little big, but Kennedy said she didn't want me to take it back. |
I found this photo on the computer that Robin had taken of August awhile back.
Bird water, yummy! |
August putting on makeup and other accessories |
Tyler played in his first game as Quarterback for the Anderson Trojans. They won the game and Tyler even scored one of the touchdowns to do just that. The girls enjoyed going to cheer cousin Tyler on.
Having fun while cooking! |
August was determined she was going to wear this dish towel. So we wrapped her up in it. I have to say, she looked pretty stylish in it.
We went up and visited Papaw for his birthday. Aimee and Craig had car trouble so they weren't able to make it. After visiting we went back to Laura and Kenneth's then went out to eat at a Mexican Restaurant. The girls had a great time running all around and flirting with the boys there.
Frank and Cindy |
Trey and Frank went down to the lake to scout out the ducks and to see how low the lake had gotten. They were over by the State Park and broke down. Fortunately, Mrs. Winseaur was home and was able to give Trey a lift so he could get the truck and get the boat. Apparently, the State Park workers weren't the most helpful people.
Trey took the girl dove hunting with him to Hondo. I think he had his hands full. All of the birds that he shot, August would pick up and say " Mama and Daddy bird, what happen?" She actually rode home with one and held it in her lap for at least and hour and half. She was so proud when she got home. We had her go lay it on the front porch so its mommy and daddy could come get it. Poor girl,she is going to become a vegetarian when she realizes she eats what they shot.
It started raining so the girls had to go run in it, geared up!
What is she looking at? |
Pumpkin decorating time! Kennedy made the cat and August made the spiderweb pumpkin.
August wanted to make some pudding. We ended up making them and putting them in the dishes that as a child I remember eating pudding out of.
Is that a monkey? August loves to hang off of the tree branches. I couldn't stop giggling at her. She would fall of and get right back on.
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