At the end of January both girls came down with a virus that caused them to run about 103. To top it off, Kennedy had and ear infection and August pneumonia. Having them both sick at home was a challenge. Kennedy at first threw a huge fit about taking her medicine. When she realized it was going to get in her body either the hard way or the easy way she started to finally act different on day 2. We are almost done with the 10days of medicines at which time she is going to get the full set of pocket princesses as her reward for taking her medicine peacefully. Thanks mom for coming and help so I could go get my crick in the neck out. Here are the girls at the Dr's office.
Trey went duck hunting with Chris Simek and his dad. They had success with their guide. He also went and shot a doe which in turned we made lots of sausage! August was with Trey deer hunting and he said she was a trooper
August in Trey's soccer shirt when he was a little boy. |
Showing off in Trey's Boxers. She loves to try on clothing.
Leaves..we couldn't resist making a big pile of leaves to play and jump in. For several weeks this pile was used for fun.
August, after using the potty by herself! |
August started using the potty. I more less have to say“lets go potty” but she will sit there and goes. A couple of times she tells me she has to go and we make it to the toilet. So proud of her!
August turned two and we took her and Kennedy to the San
Antonio Zoo. Trey’s dad also came to celebrate the occasion. It was a dreary
day due to fog and mist, but we still had fun. I believe my favorite party was
watching the hippos float in the water. Kennedy was all about seeing the lions
and Ms. August she seemed to enjoy all of the animals. She stood mesmerized at
the flamingos. I took several pictures of her just studying them. When it was
time to finally get a move on she took her shoes off and jumped in a puddle of
water. As if that wasn’t refreshing enough, she laid down in the puddle
too! Inside the bird exhibit August
chased a little bird all over the place, but didn’t have success. However, that
didn’t’ stop her. There was one bird taking a dirt bath which she succeeded in
petting. The girls loved throwing
catfish food to the fish too.
I just love these photos of the girls loving on one another. August had all of the Dora bags and Kennedy's lunch box to bring with us to the zoo. |
They were fixing to give one another a kiss. |

At one of the monkey exhibits I was jumped. The windows were all fogged up and the girls and I were leaning next to one of the windows trying to find the monkey. Well, one of the monkeys stared wiping the window clean right where we were standing. You had to of been there, but Mama jumped a little.
Gramps bought us ice cream! |
Gramps enjoying some popcorn |
Yummy, who can resist a ice cream sandwhich at the Zoo? |
I'm gonna getcha |
Atlast, I get to pet the bird. |
Pondering after she got to pet the bird |
Maybe if I swing on this rope there will be some action from the Flamingos...nope. |
Is that all they are going to do? |
So, after she was done concentrating on the flamingos, August took her shoes off to splash in the puddle of water. It was her birthday, so I wasn't about to ruin that fun.
Trying to do some push ups? Nope just waiting to lay her body in the water. |
August before she laid her whole body in the puddle. |
The Dr. is in.... |
At August's 2 year apt, her stats were: 94% in weight(32lbs) and 89%
(35.5 in) in Height. Trey said she didn’t even cry when she got her shot in her arm…daddy
is defiantly the man to take the girls to their yearly visits. Both girls have
had no tears with their shots when dad has taken them.
She also loves to count. You say “one, two” and she’ll say
‘three, four’.
I thought this was such a silly picture! |
My first HiC |
My first HiC |
I lick everything |
This our new Frog yard statue that Auggie loves to carry around. |
We got Kennedy a responsibility chart. She has been doing
Kennedy is tying knots now. Here is a picture of my tennis shoes tied. One day we will say goodbye to Velcro and introduce shoe strings!
Kennedy told me she had a dream that her Barbies were in Bethlaham playing with baby Jesus. I said “ what did his parent’s think?” She said “Mary and Joseph liked it”. We have been reading bible stories at night so guess this got her thinking.
One of the brakers blew behind our house after a storm came. We got 7 1/2 inches of rain. Here are Trey and August playing in the puddles in the back yard while we awaited the power to be turned back on.
Look at the art I've created |
Sherry had come down to watch the kiddos for us so we could
go to one of Trey’s fireman’s friends wedding in New Braunfels. While we were
getting dressed, August fell and hit the fireplace edge. There was so much
blood. Fortunately, her teeth didn’t go through her lips but they did leave a
big indention. She has a small slice on the outside of her lips , but other
than that her mouth has been healing up great.
Here are some photos from the wedding of Trey’s crew that he
works with at Station 76. We had a great time getting to hang out with his
guys/and their wives outside of work. I really enjoyed the wedding because we
got to dance a lot.
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