Life lessons are so tough to explain to children and when
they happen to them you can’t help but feel some of the anxiety too that goes
along with disappointments and fear. I
took Kennedy and Erin Avery to gymnastics and when they opened the door to go in
Kennedy started to cry. I sat with her
inside the class anticipating she would see the other kiddos practicing, but
that did not occur. She finally told me that she was afraid to do a handstand
after she was at home and did a wall one which she ended up face
planting(bloody nose, etc). I told her she didn’t have to participate that day
but the next week she needed to get out there and face her fear. When we fall
we get back up and try again.
I believe Kennedy has a boy she likes. She has been getting a bit smitten when she mentions Gus's name. Appartnely they play Batman and Robin together at school and she is "Robin Girl".
I asked her if he was dreamy and she said "Yes".I said do you even know what Dreamy means. Kennedy replied" yes, Mom. Gus dreams about me all night." Apparently he has magically powers and spies on her.
Below are photos from Cowboy Day at school, better known to the rest of the world as Texas Independence Day. Kennedy got to ride Gus's horse, play horseshoes, hula hoops, stick horses, and eat Chili dogs. In August's words(every time she sees a horse she says) He-Haw!
Our neighbor, Bonnie, brought over some old leotards and hats that she was getting rid of. August sports one of them that had a white vail on the back of it. The girls enjoyed wearing the leotards.
I'm a cowgirl |
Oh, the love of sisters. |
We've had a bit of rain the last couple of days. August couldn't resist running outside in the cold to go play in a bucket of water and get mud all over her.
I took the girls to Walmart to pick up something. August wanted to carry her umbrella around the store. I don't think she grasped that it wasn't raining inside Walmart. I actually believe she just new how darn cute she looked, making a lot of people smile despite the gloomy weather.
Kennedy just needs a push and starts to swing now. She still enjoys being pushed but here are a few photos for the girls doing it all on their own.
We went to the Oysterfest in Rockport with Sherry and Kirk. We ended up getting to see Rhonda and Bill as well as the crew they were with. Both the girls loved riding the rides. Mimi took a few photos of the girls up on the Farris wheel, but I don't have those yet. Here are a few photos from the event:
August is busy looking around, while Kennedy holds on tight to make sure they get where they need to. |
When we were down in Mathis for Spring Break a neighbors dog came over. August was checking the dog out and lifted up it's tail. Kennedy said "No, No August. Just like humans dogs like their privacy too."
If it's not the tree that she is trying to climb, she will climb the ladder. |
This was a beetle Frank and Trey found in dead tree. |
Girls are helping Trey pull the boat off the shore. |
Always lending a hand! |
Trey and Frank out at one set of lines. Late in the evening, Trey convinced his dad they needed to go set more. |
Sporting their sunglasses |
August and Gramps, under the Pier. |
The girls did great helping set the trout lines.Kennedy was able to put the Zote soap on many of the hooks while August threw each of us the Zote to put on the hooks. I think Trey had more help than he could of wanted at times on the boat. He was so patient, just looking up at me at one pointing saying a little bit sarcastic " I love you girls".
August pouring chum out around the Trout line |
Look at the catfish. |
Dad and his girls |
August couldn't resist putting her hand in the water |
August touching one of the catfish |
Kennedy touching the catfish |
Wait for me sister!
The girls are going to flower girls in Valerie's wedding. Sharon brought their dresses over for them to try on. They both looked so adorable. August kept smelling the flowers on her dress, and tipping her head to the side smiling. Kennedy said she felt like a princess. I can't wait to see these girls and the others walk down that isle. |
The girls love to help throw sticks in the fire. Later that evening we had smores.
August resting her head on the small tree. |
Is that a yawn? |
All smiles |
Here are some sunset pictures for my sister. Mel loves pictures of the Sun.
Night time event: Make smores and relax by the fire. Here the girls sip on some peach tea. Kennedy calls it her wine.
Trey had so much success this trip to Mathis fishing. On one of the lines, he caught 5 fish in a row. He barbecued some up and I suspect we will be having a catfish fry soon.
August examining the fish |
The girls with one of the larger fishes they caught |
Following dad to watch how he cleans them. I generally try to stay away at this point. |