When we were at Sherry's and Kirk August learned how to say their dog, George, name. She also is saying Joe Joe. Kennedy and August were so cute as they looked on as a frog hopped across the yard. Trey picked it up so both of them could touch it.
We took the girls to the beach for a couple of hours. August had never been and she seemed to enjoy it. We walked along the shore looking for seashells and tried to ride some of the waves. After, enough salt water getting in their eyes and mouth we headed out to Rita and Philip's house in Corpus. There we enjoyed good company and the luxury of a pool.
While at Papa's to celebrate an earlier Father's Day, August and Kennedy were playing the piano. I went into the kitchen and came back to see August walking sideways along the piano keys. She is my little climber!!
Mom went with me to Kennedy's school year end celebration. Of course, all of my photos of her getting her "diploma" are blurry.....she looked like a little princess. School is out for July...so hopefully she will have some fun times ahead.
We’ll we have a new family member in the Dodson residence. A little Terrier mix was in Mathis and wouldn’t leave the lake house. The dog would love all over the little kids but didn’t want much to do with adults. I left it up to Trey and he called me to let me know he was bringing her home. He named her Maty (after Mathis). The vet let us know she is around 6 months old. August loves playing with her and Kennedy is warming up to her. As you can see in the pictures, August thinks the dog bed is hers.
August finished up her swim lessons the first part of July. Her usual routine would be to splash a little, play a little, and eat a little. She loved going over to the drain to see what was inside, a mice was in it one day(glad It wasn’t me but Trey to find that one). Overally, she is moving her little arms and can go under water. She loves to blow bubbles in the water. When I’m giving her a bath she grabs my hair and has me lean in to blow bubbles in the tub.
The Chisholm Trail Roundup was the 2nd weekend in June. Kennedy’s school had a float in the parade so Mom, Jim, August, and I went to waive them on. Kennedy had been practicing her princess’s wave in anticipation for the big day. They won first place with their float.

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