August loves to chew on apples/pears, basically anything she can get her mouth on.

August is pulling up on everything now. Here are a few shots of her pulling up, succeeding, and then playing the drums on the step stool.

We watched Olivia one evening. This is the girls playing dress up after applying makeup.

Mrs. Nobles brought the girls over 7...yes 7....goldfish. Kennedy has been doing a great job feeding them each morning. Mom(Donna) has been the one cleaning the fish bowl each week. It's amazing how quickly the water turns mucky. No names have been given to each of the fish, which could be good. I never was good about keeping the fish alive, but so far this is a record!

Mr. and Mrs. Nobles will be moving to San Marcos soon to be closer to Mr. Nobles doctors and will be living in an assisted living type place. I will miss going over to their house for coffee, cookies, and good company. I teared up the other day when I saw their kids moving their stuff out. Mr. Nobles wants to make sure she doesn't have any expenses to worry about in case something happens to him. Oh...the love between a man and a woman. I'm sure I'll be stopping by San Marcos soon to visit with them.
The girls both had a case of pink eye, my first experience ever with it. They are both doing well. Trey is still studying hard for his test. I'm so ready for it to be here, as is he!
September is a busy birthday month for our family.This year however marked mom and dad's 60th birthday. To commemorate, Mel and I put a list of 60 things we learned or always think of Mom or Dad about....some might need explanation, but mom and dad know what they are about. Congratulations to 60 years of life. I feel special that 35 of those years were spent loving me! I pray for many more.
60 Things we Learned or always heard from Mom!1. No more wire hangers. 2. Shop till you drop.3. Clean, clean, clean…even at 6 a.m on a weekend.4. Unconditional Love5. Never volunteer for being a Girl Scout leader unless you plan on buying all the cookies.6. Chocolate….need I say more. 7. Nana, mom, wife, daughter, friend, sister, aunt, etc.8. Don’t lie; it’s hard to ever gain trust back.9. Animal pancakes and Chocolate fudge. Death by chocolate cake.10. Skipping school for one day and going Christmas shopping is a special treat.11. Be it the first time in a limo, sailing a boat, flying a plane, golf cart, etc. you always taught us to be adventurous and try new things.12. Time???13. Never take your drunk daughter to ihop to sober her up.14. If you travel somewhere and you are grounded, the car engine will be hot!15. Big Red Ice cream…yummy!16. Every family trip is the last one. 17. Mushroom shaped couches can cause a big stink in the family.18. Open a business of your own. 19. When you are faced with trials in your life remember that “This too shall pass.” 20. Roast on Sundays and delicious homemade Mac and cheese.22. Save yourself for someone special. 23. If you burn down the kitchen, just remember.. Mom wanted a new stove/microwave and that your allowance was big enough at the time to pay for it. 24. Hard work pays off.25. Hair brushes are great to use for straightening out the tassels in an area rug.26. The song "He" was your favorite to play on our piano.27. Good party planner.28. If your wreck the car by running the side of a fire hydrant down it, mom made you feel better about it cause. ..she was wanting a new car anyway.29. If you borrow someone’s car, always return it with a full tank of gas.30. Patriot31. Domestic Diva32. Don't ever boil brisket and put Sweet Baby Rays on it.33. Girlfriend!34. When we were or are sick you come over and spoil/pamper us.35. What a great deal!36. Don't mess with my grandkids.37. Like a good neighbor, Statefarm is there.38. Your never too young to work.39. Fresh Start!41. After a dr.'s apt or at the drug store to pick up a prescription we always got some sort of treat to help make us feel better.42. You can do anything you set your mind to.43. Don't drive your car down the neighborhood lawns and then park it in your driveway.44. Forgiving.45. Dr. Shoal46. Sentimental47. Whatever choices we make, you always support us.48. Artist. In 5th grade you helped draw an Indian picture and the teacher showed it to the classroom and told everyone I was a good artist. 49.Let a kid be a kid. Let them get dirty, stay up late, eat chocolate for breakfast(occasionally), be silly, and just veg without asking to many questions.50. Be generous to those around you. If not financially, by giving of your time.51. Don't dwell on the negative. Breathe, face your issue, come up with a solution, and accept it. 52 Asthma, and the importance of keeping your lungs healthy.53. Love, not time, heals all wounds.54. People need to know they are appreciated. So, stop and say "thank you" throughout the day. 55. Making your bed can make the whole room look cleaner. Clean sheets can make you feel like you have a new bed. 56. Hair does not grow back on collectible dolls. 57. Smile and act like your child's gift to you at Christmas is just what you wanted.....I know you really loved the Hobby Hobby tea set!58. There is more than one way to do a project. Be appreciative of someone taking care the way they do it, don't instruct, just accept.59.Like your mother, if you are in the hospital it always makes you feel better having your make up on and looking pretty.60.After 60 years you have never let any trials or hardships turn you bitter. You have shown us all how to pick our heads up and keep trucking. You have perfected the Christian value that "To give is better than to receive."
Dad:60 Things we Learned or always heard from Dad!- we had changed a couple of these but I can't remember what we changed them too, now who is the old one?
1. Elvis can take over the car at any minute.
2. It’s at your…….will always get a grin out of Mel or Kim.
3. Can you travel in New York without having to take a toll road?
4. Exercise the brain and the body.
5. Bear Claws, Honey buns, apple pies, chocolate milk, and a little game of Galaxy or Ms. Pac Man at the local convenient store before dropping your kids off for school was always a great way to start the day.
6. The leg lock.
7. Music Lover.... Simon and Garfunkel, Willie, Texas Music, etc.....enjoy the message in the song.
8. No Graceland for the Glover Girls….just keep driving.
9. You are never too old for a game of basketball.
10. When you have anxiety about doing something, always think: What’s the worst that can happen?
11. If you drink enough Big Red you can touch your tongue to your nose.
12. Forgiveness is important.
13. If driving a boat, don’t get to close to your daughter or else you will run over her.
14. Don’t fall asleep when you are letting your youngest child(14) drive and your 16 year old daughter wakes up, it will be hell to pay?
15. Don’t lie….it’s hard to ever gain trust back.
16. You taught each of us how to drive. More specifically a stick shift and lots of time steering the car when we were underage.
17. Daughter, it’s going to be ok.
18. Geesh, Mel!
19. Don’t call dad during a UT football game.
20. Never take your drunk daughter to Ihop to sober her up, it's best to keep her at the house.
21. Never trust your daughter at Aquafest alone, you may have to pick her up with the homeless.
22. Robert Frost....The Road Less Traveled.
23. It's O.K....... Well, I'm glad!
24. Grilled Cheese sandwiches and ginger snap cookies, Best ever!
25. We may stretch but we’ll never break.
26. Recycle
27. Take your time….Slow down!
28. Unconditional love
29. When performing the Heimlich maneuver, the lodged item( ham) can project across the kitchen table.
30. If you are worrying about something that hasn’t happened-wait to worry.
31. Always rinse your dishes off before putting them in the dishwasher.
32. Every good road trip must have one stop for Big Red and Peanut M&M's or Butterfingers.
33. There are no sharks in the lake.(note to self-don't let kids watch Jaws)
34. Expect more from yourself.
35. Lover of nature.
36. Science nerd and Poet.
37. Should we go to David Letterman or attend Granny’s Funeral? Which one shall it be…
38. Papa Bill! Billy! Bruno! Dad! Husband! Son! Principal! Teacher! Friend!
39. Always clean the lint out of the dryer before drying the next load.
40. You taught us both how to mow the lawn and enjoy the peacefulness of it.
41. When painting, make a "W" stroke to insure proper paint wall coverage.
42. Don't let your daughters stain a deck without proper supervision.
43. The Weather Cat, Rock, and dead chicken are good uses to teach science with.
44. I think my daughter French kisses the best! -You would always get such a chuckle out of that move line from The National Lampoons Vacation.
45. Don't hate.
46. Drinking too much Big Red can cause your tongue to be able to touch the tip of your nose.
47. You have to play the lottery if you are ever going to have the chance of winning.
48. We learned our square roots by playing learning games in the car.
49. Never sail a boat without knowing what you are doing.
50. How to locate the North Star and Pleiades .
51. Don't lend money unless you can do so with the understanding that you might not be paid back.
52. Love with all your heart.
53. Just pee on the side of the road if you have to go that badly.
54. It's important to stop on the side of the road to look at geological formations (different layers of the earth to be specific)
55. You should go to a movie by yourself at least once in your life.
56. Communicate, don't keep everything bottled up.
57. Travel.
58. Don't judge others.
59. Treat others with respect.
60. After 60 years, Dad, you still are The Smartest Man in the world.
1. Elvis can take over the car at any minute.
2. It’s at your…….will always get a grin out of Mel or Kim.
3. Can you travel in New York without having to take a toll road?
4. Exercise the brain and the body.
5. Bear Claws, Honey buns, apple pies, chocolate milk, and a little game of Galaxy or Ms. Pac Man at the local convenient store before dropping your kids off for school was always a great way to start the day.
6. The leg lock.
7. Music Lover.... Simon and Garfunkel, Willie, Texas Music, etc.....enjoy the message in the song.
8. No Graceland for the Glover Girls….just keep driving.
9. You are never too old for a game of basketball.
10. When you have anxiety about doing something, always think: What’s the worst that can happen?
11. If you drink enough Big Red you can touch your tongue to your nose.
12. Forgiveness is important.
13. If driving a boat, don’t get to close to your daughter or else you will run over her.
14. Don’t fall asleep when you are letting your youngest child(14) drive and your 16 year old daughter wakes up, it will be hell to pay?
15. Don’t lie….it’s hard to ever gain trust back.
16. You taught each of us how to drive. More specifically a stick shift and lots of time steering the car when we were underage.
17. Daughter, it’s going to be ok.
18. Geesh, Mel!
19. Don’t call dad during a UT football game.
20. Never take your drunk daughter to Ihop to sober her up, it's best to keep her at the house.
21. Never trust your daughter at Aquafest alone, you may have to pick her up with the homeless.
22. Robert Frost....The Road Less Traveled.
23. It's O.K....... Well, I'm glad!
24. Grilled Cheese sandwiches and ginger snap cookies, Best ever!
25. We may stretch but we’ll never break.
26. Recycle
27. Take your time….Slow down!
28. Unconditional love
29. When performing the Heimlich maneuver, the lodged item( ham) can project across the kitchen table.
30. If you are worrying about something that hasn’t happened-wait to worry.
31. Always rinse your dishes off before putting them in the dishwasher.
32. Every good road trip must have one stop for Big Red and Peanut M&M's or Butterfingers.
33. There are no sharks in the lake.(note to self-don't let kids watch Jaws)
34. Expect more from yourself.
35. Lover of nature.
36. Science nerd and Poet.
37. Should we go to David Letterman or attend Granny’s Funeral? Which one shall it be…
38. Papa Bill! Billy! Bruno! Dad! Husband! Son! Principal! Teacher! Friend!
39. Always clean the lint out of the dryer before drying the next load.
40. You taught us both how to mow the lawn and enjoy the peacefulness of it.
41. When painting, make a "W" stroke to insure proper paint wall coverage.
42. Don't let your daughters stain a deck without proper supervision.
43. The Weather Cat, Rock, and dead chicken are good uses to teach science with.
44. I think my daughter French kisses the best! -You would always get such a chuckle out of that move line from The National Lampoons Vacation.
45. Don't hate.
46. Drinking too much Big Red can cause your tongue to be able to touch the tip of your nose.
47. You have to play the lottery if you are ever going to have the chance of winning.
48. We learned our square roots by playing learning games in the car.
49. Never sail a boat without knowing what you are doing.
50. How to locate the North Star and Pleiades .
51. Don't lend money unless you can do so with the understanding that you might not be paid back.
52. Love with all your heart.
53. Just pee on the side of the road if you have to go that badly.
54. It's important to stop on the side of the road to look at geological formations (different layers of the earth to be specific)
55. You should go to a movie by yourself at least once in your life.
56. Communicate, don't keep everything bottled up.
57. Travel.
58. Don't judge others.
59. Treat others with respect.
60. After 60 years, Dad, you still are The Smartest Man in the world.
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