August started rolling officially on July 18. She used to just roll from her tummy to her back, but it’s a new found game to roll all around. She is so proud of herself for doing so. In the bed, she rolls over on her tummy, grabs onto the rail to try to pull up, and then grunts for someone to save her.
She still wakes up in the best mood-Smiling from ear to ear as if she is wondering what exciting thing she will do today. She’ll smile when she sees a new face or an old…just anyone that is willing to smile back. Oh, how I hope she hangs onto this trait as she grows. On the 16th, I had to have Ms. Pat to watch August since mom was sick. When I dropped Kennedy and August off(Kennedy didn’t want her going with her, although the day before she was excited about it) Pat held August and August just smiled with her finger in her mouth grinning again. For me, it made me smile knowing she was going to be o.k,so no tears from mom!
She is also cutting her first tooth (bottom one). She has been having lots of saliva, runny nose, crankiness, and a little fever. Hopefully, the tooth will break through. She sat up for a couple of seconds on the 18Th before toppling over. She has begun eating fruits(she loves her veggies) with the anticipation of meats coming up. We go to her 6 months check up the 2Nd of August, so I’m interested to see how big she has gotten. I miss her little smiling face as I write this.

August tries out a sippy cup

Tyler went with us down to Falfurrias with the intention of helping put hay bales on the trailer at Trey's grandparents. I think he was relieved when we arrived and all the bales were in the barn. Tyler got to drive the gator around, even running under a tree branch once and ripping the top part off. He found some skeletal remains of some animals, and was able to pick his first sunflower seed out of a sunflower. He even got to experience the DQ where the family meets after church every Saturday night.
I think the best part (it still makes me laugh) is when Ryan(Trey’s cousin) dog thought of Tyler as his human play toy. Trey, Kennedy, and Tyler were playing in the tank and every time Tyler jumped off the dock Koozie(the Lab) jumped in. Koozie would make every move Tyler would make, even climbing the ladder. Tyler would try to out swim Koozie, but Koozie would catch up to him. We kept telling Tyler he had to tell the dog “No” but Tyler couldn't do it without cracking up. Koozie eventually went home with Uncle Tim.

A gentle reminder was needed to Trey that he wasn't a 13 year old boy anymore, but still loves to have fun showing off his flipping skills. Another reason I love him so much...he is young at heart.

We started to take Kennedy to a private swim instructor at the YMCA this month. However, I had already signed her up for a group swim so we thought we would try both; group and private. Ms. Sarah was the swim instructor at the YMCA who was wonderful with Kennedy. Then we took her the next week to the group lesson at the San Marcos recreation center. Big mistake……the instructor at the Rec center scared her just because he was the size of the guy off the Green Mile. He was super nice, but every time he came over to talk to Kennedy she would let out a hurling scream…saying “I want to go home, I like my girl conductor….Ms. Sarah”. Needless to say, we left and most of the people thought it was cute, thinking she was scared of getting in the water for the first time. Trey took her the following day back to the rec center to see if she would do better. She did fine until he came over and asked how she was doing that day. So….you guessed it…we are back with Ms. Sarah. Here are some pictures of her with Sarah and one of August wishing she could jump in.

We went to Schlitterbahn to visit with Kenneth, Laura, and the girls. Laura’s family always rents some condo’s for a couple days once a year. It’s so wonderful because you are right in the park and can go back to your room without any problems, plus we get into the park for free(I think you pay for it because of the rooms). Laura’s parents bought this cute wagon for Kylie’s first birthday and the girls love to ride in it. Kennedy and Kylie slid down all of the kiddy slides and loved it. August and Payton both enjoyed splashing in the water too. Poor Kennedy’s toes had blisters on the bottom of them due to being in the water/ not wearing shoes with the rough bottom.

We finally had some tomatoes growing on our tomatoe plants. Kennedy picked these than ate them. Our Limes and oranges are slowly growing, while our pear tree has really been producing a lot of fruit. Pear wine here we come!

We meet Rhonda and Carly at the Children's Museum and the girls had a fun time playing together as did the mommies getting to catch up!

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