February 1....Augusta Laine Dodson entered into this world at 4:02 pm, weighing 8 lbs 4 oz's, length of 21 inches, she was delivered at 39 weeks. Trey and I went to the hospital at 8:00 am to start my inducement. The nurse doing my iv had quite the time getting my "Large " veins to get blood samples. Thank goodness it didn't hurt, but there was blood all over the place and nurses scrubs. She ended up having to go change clothes. I just hoped that wasn't any indication of what was to come. It wasn't. I was unfortunate to have a screaming lady next door to my room. Trey enjoyed opening the door so that I could hear all of the "nice" things she was screaming during labor. It wasn't until push time, that I felt her pain. The dr. broke my water at 1:17 and within 10 minutes I was ready for my epideral. Once administered, I went into hypertension or something...where my blood pressure dropped to 55. They laid me down on my side and gave me oxygen to get the blood pressure back up to normal. The epideral started to take effect. At 3:47 the nurse called my dr. to head over and after about 15 minutes of pushing, our sweet August was born.
Talk about love at first sight. It's simply amazing to me how we are able to love another human being without even really knowing them, except for the 9 months they spent in the belly. You just want to hold them, kiss them, and never let go. She has been a complete delight. Right now she sleeps alot and since Trey has been at home everything has been wonderful. I'm nervous about when he goes back to work on the 14th, but I guess there is no time like the present to experience what it's like to be on your own with two kiddo's.
Most people are wondering how Kennedy has adjusted to the arrival of the little sister. Kennedy has done so well adjusting with August's arrival. She kisses her, helps change her diaper, and genuinely seems to care about what Baby August is doing. The only issues we have, if you even want to call it that, is Kennedy exchanging pacifiers. Kennedy promises to teach her how to use the potty, share her toys, share her pull -ups, etc. My fear of Kennedy having issues with August was just a fear. So far no regression has taken place, just progression. Kennedy told us the other night she didn't want to sleep in her pull-ups anymore, she needed to sleep in her Big girl panties. We've had to change sheets several nights in a row, but know that eventually a dry night will come. She makes it to about 5:30 in the morning.
Here are a slew of pictures over the past week of little August and the family. Look for more to come as we visit the rest of the family around Texas. Katherine came out from Indianan and took some photos of August. I haven't gotten the passwords yet to all of the photos taken,but here is a start, click on the link below to go to Katherine's blog: http://katherinemariephotography.com/

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