It was very humbling to meet Captain Unruh and his wife at the awards ceremony. I think it’s the first time I saw Trey show any emotions regarding the incident to me. We were trying to find a seat at one of the three tables that were set aside for the recipients for this incident, when we started chatting with Captain Unruh’s wife. She had asked why we were there, if we were from Darin’s station, Station 39. Trey responded “No, I actually was one of the firefighters from Station 34 that helped pull Captain Unruh out of the fire.” She responded “Thank you, Trey, for helping save him.” I looked at Trey and his eyes were very watery as were all of ours. We continued to talk and I was amazed by her strength and faith in God. She said her God was a very large God and took care of them. Captain Unruh is currently working in the records department for the fire department, but hopes to be back in the field soon.
Trey likes to tell everyone that we almost didn’t get to go this amazing event because I had dropped the invitation in the yard. It wasn’t until he mowed the yard and almost ran over it that he discovered that he was being honored.
All of the firefighters, EMS crews, dispatchers, and mechanical workers that were given awards that night were very modest. None would admit that the job they do or the life saving events they were being honored for was anything out of the ordinary. They would just say “I was doing my job.”
Here are some of the photos from the evening:

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