On Friday, Sherry and I went to the lake to clean the yard up since Trey wouldn't get off work until Saturday. As you can see, Kennedy helped mow with her mower....

After mowing it was time to relax in her chair. She went to the store room and pulled out her frog chair .

She worked up a sweat being outside

She thinks "this yard work is hard!"
Oh.....I think I see a new branch that fell. Off we go again...

Aunt Raydell, Uncle Time, and Kirk pose for the camera....

Aunt Raydell, had the wonderful idea to put bubble bath in the pool. Kennedy loved it!

Swimming made Kennedy tired, so she kicks back in her chair like the adults.

Now it's time to show what Kennedy has learned in swim. She loves to kick her feet.

Honey and Papa enjoy the heat!

Sherry and Kirk smile for the camera.

In the bathtub Kennedy loves to pour the water in different cups. In her pool she likes to do the same thing. She used this empty bottle to wash some of the bubbles off her back.

The boys played some washers and Kennedy helped her daddy by watching closely.

I thought this was funny watching Kennedy eye the beer can to try to drink out of. Before anyone reports us to CPS, we filled the empty can up with water! It's just funny watching her facial expressions as she sneaks off thinking she has gotten away with something.

On Sunday, we filled the pool up again so Kennedy could play. This time her Mimi got in it.

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