Sunday, we celebrated The Dodson’s Christmas at Frank’s. The food was scrumptious and the company superb. We couldn't ever get all the kiddo’s to cooperate to take a good group shot, but we were able to capture some of them running around. Kennedy did get jealous if either of us held John or Kylie. She finally got more comfortable with us holding Kylie when we sat down on the floor. Kennedy would come up to her and laugh and then tickle Kylie. Kennedy was so cute when she opened up her presents, shouting “Wow” as she unwrapped each present. Trey and I looked at one another and said, “Have you ever heard her say that word? Nope!"
I'm looking forward to our other upcoming gatherings when I am able to see the delight and excitement in Kennedy's eyes when she is able to unwrap presents, rip off bows, and tear up tissue paper to unravel a big "WOW". To all who receive gifts from us, no bows are allowed under the tree at our house because she has removed all of them.
Emma poses for the camera....

I just think Kennedy looks so cute in her pig tails. She reminds me of Crissy off of the old show Three's Company.
The mess begins.....

Granny with Kennedy

Frank holds a bottle of Vino De Pancho.....Trey's red wine that he made.

Supposedly, Kenneth used to ride this little truck around his house when he was a child. Looks like Emma has continued the tradition.