Wurstfest! Mel Knussman had gathered a group together to attend the 48th Annual "Salute to Sausage" in New Braunfels. Eating or at least trying most of the food there at the festival is a must, regardless of if you can handle grease. I believe between the whole group we tried almost everything: sausages, corn, fried mushrooms, potatoes cakes with applesauce, sweet potato fries, funnel cakes, turkey legs, oh...and beer. Tracy Mikulench knew someone selling hats, so she hooked several of us up. It doesn't appear that anyone captured Trey in his skunk hat, but if you know Trey this hat fits! We all had a fantastic time dancing and visiting with one another. Matt Messing had the brilliant idea to have a potato sacks races against one another at the carnival, but by the time we arrived they had closed the line. Trey was able to obtain several pitchers and glasses to hold him over until next year. One of these years, in the far future, I believe we will have to attend the real October Fest in Germany.

The bus ride back to the hotel was alot of fun. The bus driver played some ACDC and some other music that we all thought we sung so well. Mel, Kirk, Chet, Trey, and I occupied the back of the bus so that we could stand and dance. We didn't even get in trouble with the bus driver for standing while he drove.
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