If I can hold a flower
And watch its petals fade,
If I can touch the well worn earth
On which my child plays,
If I can hold one moment
Of the times you've made me smile,
Then I can take the bad times,
For you've made them all worthwhile...
*by Robert Sexton
Trey and I are going on our 4th Anniversary. I can't believe how quickly the years have flown by and how fortunate we have been with good health, friends,family, and opportunities for growth. It feels like yesterday, that we were saying "I do" and dancing the night away with our family and friends.
I think the hardest thing this year for our marriage has been trying to learn the best way to handle different parenting techniques on raising Kennedy. Now that she's over one, she had developed into a little young lady who has a mind of her own. It is wonderful watching her learn new things and all the new words that are starting to be said, but on the flip side she is also starting to see what she can get away with. Overall, I believe we have communicated with one another our concerns and our joined hope of raising a child that believes in God and the bibles commandments,is appreciative of life, her family/friends, respects herself, doesn't talk back, helps others, and takes responsibility for her own actions. Thank you, Trey for your continue love and patience over the past years and the years to come. I look forward to growing old with you everyday!
Every anniversary year I compose a list of events that happened within that year of marriage so we/I can reflect back on the trials and triumphs that happened. Off the top of my head here are some of those things:
Births: John Casper, Blaise Christ, Kylie Dodson, Love, Jordan Uplinger, Millie Powers,Kye Schorsch, Allison Watts
Deaths: Donald Graves, Big Mamma, Brian Marak, Pat Reaves, Anthony Palmer
Weddings: Mom/Jim Aucutt,Erica/Keith Uplinger, Sarah Eubank/James, Megan/Pee Wee
Trey passed his Chauffeur tests and is just waiting to be promoted anytime.
We were fortunate to go together as a couple on two trips. One to New Orleans with Lynn/John and Mel/Kirk, as well as a trip to Playa del Carmen with Mel/Kirk. Trey went with Kirk & Scott Knussman to Wyoming and had a successful antelope hunt.
Old Blue, Trey's Mazda truck, finally bit the dust so we had to replace it with the new to us Chev. Truck.
I participated in my first triatholon- The Danskin.
Hurricane Ike destroyed Galveston/surrounding areas.
History was made, when the first black man, Barrack Obama, was elected as President of the United States.
To conclude, our friend Stacie Tom emailed a cute girlie picture with some tips for women the other day. Here are the four tips that I felt corresponded with my husband and how fortunate I am to have him in my life:
1. It is important that a man helps you around the house and has a job.
2. It is important that a man makes you laugh.
3. It is important to find a man you can count on and doesn't lie to you.
4. It is important that a man loves you and spoils you.
In addition to these items, I believe it's important to:
5. to have a man that will let you cry on his shoulders and not ask any questions.
6. to have a man who will say he is sorry and will accept your apology without saying, I told you so.
7. to have a man that loves your child.
8. to have a man that makes you a better person.
9. to have a man that kisses you when you come home, kisses you when you leave, and tells you he loves you when he gets off the phone and means it.
10. to have a man that cares enough to sit down and communicate his dreams and the future you both see.