Wow, I can't believe it is November already. Before we know we will be hearing Santa's sleigh on the roof. Since, I wasn't on the ball in October, I figured I would just merge October and November together since I can't recall all of the happenings in October. Please tell me I'm not already losing my mind!
August is starting to say her own name. In October, she stood in the living room the other night and as clear as day she screamed out " August, Auggie, August, Auggie!" I wonder if that is all she hears in her little ears. She loves to say Oh no, and No.....I have found that recently while she watches movies that she has seen repeately she will repeat or say the words. She loves any movies with animals. Currently she has been hooked on "Cats and Dogs". In December she started to count to ten.
The other day August climbed on top of the island and turned on the stove top. Kennedy hollared for me, it was so frightening. Just another realization that everything can change in a matter of a second.
Trey taught Kennedy how to do a flip on the bars that we had installed on the swingset. When I was picking her up from gymnastics on Nov 10, the gymnastics instructor asked me if we had been working with her because she was very impressed with her progress. Go Kennedy!!
Kennedy has been learning adding and subtracting. She also informed me that pee is a liquid and poop is a solid. She can count to 100 and is sounding out words to spell them. When we were down at the lake at the end of November she sounded out my name "Kim and Mom" and spelt both of them in the sand correctly with a feather.
Sherry had given the girls some color bubbles a while back. I decided that we would try them out. As you can see the girls loved them. Thankful the bubble colors came out of their clothes and off their body. However, the concrete is currently stained, which I think adds some character to the back porch.
The plastic tub that the girls rinsed off in stayed outside one night. When August and I were playing in the backyard I noticed something floating in it. A baby possum had gotten stuck in the bucket and died. The mama was later traped at the neighbors house. Thank goodness for the neighbor, Bonnie, she came over and disposed of it for me.
I had my first mamogram. Everything came back good. The initial fear of what it would feel like after hearing stories from my friends made me a bit nervous. Good thing I have small ones, because it really didn't hurt. The lady taking the photos was wonderful and made me feel so comfortable. Now I don't have to get another one until 40!! Which in reality isn't that far away.
Halloween, the girls went as Jesse.We went to Melanie's to trick or treat. August didn't care so much about going to the doors to get candy, she was just mesmerized by all of the decorations. She had to go right up to each of the decorations and study how they were moving. Kennedy and Joseph however loved going up to the door. Joseph would ask " Are there peanuts in these?" and then you would hear a "Yeah, No Peanuts!" from both Kennedy and Joseph. So, then it started after everyhouse they would yell those words. Kennedy all of a sudden became allergic to peanuts or so she claimed since Joseph is allergic to them.
Tracy and Steve had a Halloween party. We had a great time. I went as Uma Thurman in Pulp Fiction and Trey went as a kleenex box with some adult content on it. Here is a couple of photos from the party:
Tracy and Steve the hostesses |
Cat woman, Gretchen! |
Kim and Trey |
The girls and I went to dad's to celebrate Landry turning 7. He is all grown up, loving science and especially dinosaurs. I'm waiting on some photos of dad and Landry at his school together. Dad and Landry were Deputy dogs which basically help kids out of their cars and other things in the hallway.
The house is done! Atleast this phase of the house remodel is. It's so nice walking into to. Now for furnitiure shopping and decorating. Done just in time for the holidays.However, everything cost so much, it might be a slow process in purchasing furnishing. We did get a couch so there is sitting in the living room.
Seven Years! November 20, 2011 marked our seventh anniversary, but we have been together for eleven if my memory serves me correct. We did the Warrior dash again on the 19th. Mom and Jim watched the girls along with Gracie and Carley. This year seemed a lot tougher than last. The obstacles had a lot more climbing and they even had a firepole to go down. Trey swirled down gracefully, while I wasn't so. Mom watched the girls the next day too so that Trey and I could celebrate our anniversary, which we spent looking for a couch.
We Survived Warrior Dash 2011 |
Kennedy came into her room dressed in my boots and well, the rest can be seen in the photo. |
Friends forever |
Carley slides down the slide |
Mr. Bill picked up all the girls and spun them around. |
Trey tries to avoid having to pick all the girls up by dancing, it didn't work! |
Mr. Trey could carry us all out of a fire |
Mr. Kirk can carry all the girls too |
August loved Gracie's jeep |
Carley enjoyed the little automotive |
Then we had cheers |
How far can you spread your lips? |
Trey went duck hunting on Jeff’s new land. He shot two ducks
which he shot over the river. He wasn’t thinking about them floating down the
river so he had to run back to the truck where the girls and I were to retrieve
his wet overalls. He fortunately was able to recover the birds in the water.
August had to hold them and after he had de-breasted them she kept rubbing
their beak.

Down at the lake the weather was in the low 70’s. August and
Kennedy enjoyed digging in the sand, but the temptation of the water got the
best of them. They were playing in it, throwing sand, having a great time. We rode around the shore line in the lawnmower
Other photos I have found:
Aunt Vickie and Robin |
Trey doing his kick dance |
Kennedy sports her new shirt Trey brought back from Wyoming |
I went to move August's bed from her bedroom and August decided she wasn't ready for it to leave the room. She kept laying on top of the changing table. |
Angels shop too |
We went to the Trey's station to celebrate Thanksgiving since Trey had to work. The girls loved climbing all over the exercise equipment and August found it fun to sit in the lockers. There were two calls when we were there, one Trey didn't have to take because another guy said he would take it so Trey could stay with us. However, the next call the pumper truck and the ambulance had to go. They weren't gone for a long time so we stuck around till the girls bedtime.
One of Trey's fireman friends, Sam Larkin, posted this on facebook:
Oh your a fireman?
That's cool. I wanted to do
that when I was a kid. What do you make?
MAKE?? I make holding your hand seem like the biggest thing in the world when
I'm cutting you out of a car. I can make 5 minutes seem like a lifetime when I
go in a burning house to save your family. I make those annoying sirens seem
like angels when you need them. I can make your children breathe when they stop.
I can help you survive a heart attack. I make myself get out of bed at 3am to
risk my life to save people I've never met. Today I might make the ultimate
sacrifice to save your life. I make a difference, what do you