Kennedy had her gymnastic recital. Everytime we looked at her sitting on the bleachers watching the other kids perform you can't help but realize how grown up she is getting. She did great with her routine. I can't wait to get the video so we can watch her do her rolls.
She loves the Shrek song “Accidentally in Love” which I had to download to our music playlist. We also had to get our first boy doll...yes, that would be Ken. Kennedy asked me if we could get a boy barbie doll so that Barbie could have a dance partner.
I got my first homemade school Mother's Day present. I just love it! It's a rose pedal with Kennedy's photo inside. Made me tear up opening it. Trey also got me(from the girls of course) a cross and angel for the garden. I'm a lucky mom to have such great lovable kids and a subperb husband to go with them!
Trey, August, and I participated in Kennedy’s birthday celebration at school. Instead of bringing deserts to school, they ask that you pay ten dollars which is used to purchase a book for the school library. This book is then read by the parent at the child's Celebration of Life. I was so nervous about having to read in front of all these children and share Kennedy’s life story.
I made a poster board with several pictures from each year of her life which was displayed in the classroom. The Montessori classroom celebrates a child’s birthday with a Celebration of Life birthday walk. This event honors the child's life and accomplishments. All the kids sat in a circle, and Mrs. Zea placed a candle in the middle of the circle which represented the sun and the moment of birth. Before Kennedy started to walk the circle, Mrs. Zea asked the children’s how many days it takes for the earth to orbit the sun, 365 ( and some other science questions but I can’t remember them all sorry dad, I know it was about the planets). Kennedy held the earth( representing a concrete passage of time) and walked around the circle four times(one time for each year of her life). At the end of each time she walked, Mrs. Zea would ask the class….how old is Kennedy now? During her orbit around the sun, I told the following stories:
0 to 1 year: Kennedy was born on April 24, 2007. She weighed 8lbs, 5 oz….born at 1:58 pm. During this year of her life she learned to crawl, stand, started to walk , learned signs for milk and more, went to the Fire Station for the first time, met Santa Claus, loved sitting in the bathroom sink and looking in the mirror, and loved to spin the toilet paper roll to see how much she could get all over the bathroom.
1 to 2 years: Caught her first fish with her dad, went to the beach and played in the sand, first circus-she didn’t like the cotton candy she said it itched her throat, attended her first music class with Ms. Petra, learned to feed herself, She used to love to put Cheetos or her pacifiers in between each of her big toes and alternate feeding herself with her feet
2 to 3 years: Flew on her first airplane, First haircut, Became a big sister, learned to go to the bathroom all by herself, and whenever she would see a yellow car she would scream “Yellow Car”.
3 to 4 years: Started to write her letters, went to the dentist, started gymnastics and Montessori school, rode her first bike and horse, and one day she was walking at the lake barefoot with the Mimi and stepped in cactus – she walked like a penguin for several days because of all the cacti in her feet.
Now, that I know I have to do this for the children, I need to start preparing for August.
August had her 15 month appointment. She weighed 25lbs(79%), 31 1/2 tall, and her head was 19 inches (96%).
August does some of the funniest little things and I wonder where she picks them up. Lately, she likes to pretend she is sleeping. So, she'll be in the swing or in the carseat and you'll look at her. She will have her eyes squinted shut with a little smirk.So, Kennedy and I like to say "Oh, how sweet, the baby is sleeping!" that makes August smile bigger and squint even harder.
Something else that is funny that she does is hold her nose and squinsh her face as if something smells....then she just giggles. It makes me smile just thinking of her.
The other morning Trey went into the bathroom to find her inside the toilet sitting with my hair brush and pulling the toilet paper into the bowl. Now we are having to close the door to all the bathrooms because she enjoys climbing into to toilet.
If there is a puddle of water or dirt to be eaten, August is the girl to call on. Trey called to tell me she was sitting in the bird bath drinking the water. Then I told him about how the other day she sat near a puddle of water on the sidewalk and bent down while sitting to drink the water. I'm hoping she's building a wonderful immune system. She loves to play with the waterhose. In the pictures she is seen wearing some of her sisters training pants. She likes to put on panties so she feels like a big girl. Oh, to be young and to be adventourous.
Both the girls took swim lessons this month with Ms. Ashley. August has started to go underwater…but we still have a ways to go. We are going to continue with lessons for the next couple weeks and see where we end up. Kennedy is now swimming underwater and can swim to the other side of the pool by herself. We need to start working on taking some breathes, but I'm so proud of her accomplishment.
Mom and Jim watched the girls so Trey and I could go with Mel and Kirk to the Crawfish festival in Spring. We had a great time. We tasted some wine at the Wimberley Wine store and ate a lot of different festival foods. Later that night, Randy Rogers played. I forgot what it was like to be up front and center with a lot of young kids pushing you around. We survived…closing the place down as we waited for our taxi to bring us back to our hotel.