We finally pulled up the carpet! Let the fresh air in! Dad, Robin, and Trey worked on laying the flooring which turned out beautiful. We just lack some shoe molding and the bedrooms will be done floor wise. I also finished painting my door headboard and Trey put it together. This has been years in the making and we finally made the time to get it out of the garage. Thanks to Melanie for coming out and helping get a comforter and stuff to make everything flow together. There is still a lot of work to be done, but getting this stuff done helped with the motivation to get after it.
The girls and I attended the VFW’s annual Easter Egg hunt that mom and Jim help out with. On the way there, we stopped and watched Tyler play baseball and then headed to Leander. During the drive, both the girls put their baskets on their head. Once, we were at the VFW the girls did great. Both picked up a lot of Easter Eggs. August even tried to pick up a brick to put in her basket. Then when we were walking around after the hunt, if a kid sat their basket down August thought they were for her to get. The VFW also has some donkeys that we fed and Jim showed the girls the baby goat they are trying to nurse. They loved getting to pet the baby goat and donkeys.
August loves to open and close doors. She also likes to put Kennedy’s panties on over her diaper. I had bought 2 different dresses for Kennedy to choose from for her birthday party and August insisted that August put one on. August is starting to become very independent. One evening I put a little dress on her and she was crying. She ended up bringing me a onesie she wanted on. Once I got it on her she was happy. She still loves to put on shoes. She also climbs up the playscape which scares me to death…you have to run over there to make sure she doesn’t fall- There is no fear. I caught her climbing her bed and then in the bath she hikes her leg up on the side of the bath tub and tries to put the other one on the soap ledge. There is never a dull moment.
We had Kennedy’s year end assessment with Ms. Zea regarding her progression at the Montessori School. Overall, Kennedy is doing great academically. She has great fine motor skills, is learning her mathematics(she says” 2 plus equals 4…then she says 2) and she has started reading 3 letter words. It’s so exciting watching them learn and then come home and share with us. Ms. Zea said in groups she is pretty reserved but one on one speaks up . We also got the word she and her friend are being separated more often because they are tattling on one another. There are two Kennedy’s in the class and the kids have always called her Little Kennedy. But Kennedy doesn’t like that anymore so they are trying to get the kids to call her Kennedy Lynn instead. We are so pleased with her advancement.
Kennedy Lynn turned four this month. We had a Dora Birthday Egg Adventure at our house over the Easter weekend. Most of the family(including Trey’s cousin, John Michael, from California) and some friends were there for the celebration. All the kids did great participating in the adventure. We had to go through the jumpy house, hop to the slide, make a silly face down the slide, run to the parachute, pop the balls off the parachute, walk to the front of the house and hit the Dora piƱata, and then back to the backyard to the Easter Egg hunt.
Easter fell on Kennedy’s birthday this year. The Easter bunny stopped by our house and left the girls a chocolate bunny, some pj’s, bubbles, and shoes. I had gotten confetti eggs for us to play with but we never got around to it. The girls looked so adorable in their dresses (although I couldn’t get a good shot of them together).
Trey received his worm farm. Trey was checking on them on day and Kennedy picked them up and then wanted to show August. Trey explained we can let August see them because she might eat them along with probably roll all in the dirt. Kennedy asked me the other night "Mom, call Trey (she refers to us sometimes in that manner) and see where he put the worms so I can show August". I had to reinterate we weren't showing August just yet. The worm box is to break down our food so we can use it on our plants/garden-if we ever till up some soil.
Had a great time with the girls celebrating Stacie's Tom's Bachelorette Party. We went to the San Antonio Riverwalk. Stacie had a great time. Onward to the wedding in Ballinger, Texas on April 30. I rode with Rhonda and Kara to watch Stacie Tom get a new middle name. The wedding was beautiful, as were the bride and groom.