I know I say this all the time, but where does the time go. Our parents used to say it flew by, but now with a child I really know what they mean. It’s wonderful seeing them grow but the selfish side of me wants time to stop. However, each month seems to get a little easier and more enjoyable as her language skills develop.
I didn’t really want to do much for Kennedy’s 2nd birthday, just because I don’t want to feel like we are required to have a birthday party each year. Trey, however, wanted to have a little something (which I am glad we did). It was somewhat last minute, but the family all made it plus a couple of Kennedy’s friends. Her birthday present from us was the Little Tikes blow up jumping thing, which went over well. I don’t know how kids can jump in it as long as they do; it is a nice way to tire them out. We had a few minor kicks in the face by accidents, which are expected.
She received so many cute clothes, swimming suits/cover ups, money, toys, and a riding fire truck from Mimi. Trey is going to adjust the pedals because she has a hard time reaching them right now, that doesn’t stop her from wanting to get in it.
I made her an ice cream cake that was supposed to look like a cow. Aunt Laura said, “ it was the ugliest cake she had seen, but it tasted fantastic!” I would have to agree. I also made CD’s with some of Kennedy’s favorite tunes at age two for the kids as their parting gift.
On Sunday evening, she asked to wear a little two-piece swimming suit that LeeAnn had given her. We put it on and she didn’t want it to come off, she would of slept in if we would of allowed her. Since, she has not wanted to take a bath lately we managed to get her in the bathtub with no fits by letting her wear the suit. . Once in, she wanted to show us how she kicks and blows bubbles in swim class, but Daddy has to be in the bathroom to watch. Trey has been the one who has taken her to swim class. She kept saying “Swim Class”. Monday morning she woke up asking Trey “Swim, Swim”. So, now we have signed her up for another swim class in May so that she will be swimming on Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday’s.
Here are the numerous photos from the big day! Sorry there are so many…..