I’ve done a poor job lately on updating the blog, but promise to try to catch everyone up on the major events here lately.
Trey had Lasik eye surgery on January 22. The total procedure only took about 15 minutes. It was amazing how quickly he was in and out. The staffs at the Mann Eye Institute were so wonderful and professional. I tried to watch the procedure, but was more like a kid watching a scary movie. At one point, I had to leave the hall way and get a bottle of water because I started sweating when they zoomed in on Trey’s eye ball and I saw the machine pick up a portion of his lid. The next thing you know the laser is hitting his eye. Trey said the only part that was a little uncomfortable is when they used some suction thing. His follow up visit the next day went well. He now has 20/15 vision!! Better than a lot of people. Something I just learned from Eugene Mees is that the 20/20 means you can see clearly from 20 feet, in Trey‘s case the one eye he can see clearly from 15 feet.
Kennedy is now 21 months old going on 22 months on the 24th. She has learned most of her colors and is starting to be able to tell you what the letter is if you point to them. She can almost count to five without any help. I believe her favorite show to watch is her Signing Time videos. I weighed her on Sunday(2/15/09) and she weighed 26.5 lbs. She loves to get on the scale to weigh herself, but you and I both know that when she gets older the scale is something we stay clear from if we can help it. She hasn’t used the potty by herself since last month, but I’m hoping she will show some interest soon. She also is big in dressing herself if she can. She is into the layered look putting little halter tops over long sleeve shirts. This Sunday, Feb 15, was a difficulty day of dressing when it came to church time. She screamed for about 15 minutes and every time I tried putting clothing on her she would kick in scream. Sherry came over and suggested we just put her in the car with her diaper on, so that’s what we did. Once in the church parking lot, Kennedy and I sat for about 5-10 minutes until I could finally put her clothes on her with a small struggle. Once inside, she was fine and behaved wonderfully the rest of the evening. Any suggestions on how to tackle the getting dress tantrums would be greatly appreciated! Other that clothing issues, she is really a great kiddo!
We moved Sherry to another house down the street on Thursday and Friday of this week. I have always said that moving is a true test of marriage. It’s amazing how you get so frustrated with your spouse when you have to lift heavy objects together. After dropping off the last load, we returned to our house to get ready for going out with Mel/Kirk, Becky/Benji, and us to see Wade Bowen at Midnight Rodeo for our couple celebration of V-day. I could tell we are older in our ways when we had called a taxi cab to pick us up and when we went to get in these other kids were already sitting in it. Mel was telling the kids they had taken our cabs and fortunately in the mean time the taxi cab driver was calling my cell phone to tell me he was there. So, when we were all clear it was our cab the cab driver made the kids get out. Kirk accidently bumped one of the kids and said “nice try” and the kids started popping off. We all got in the car and I told the kids “you really need to learn how to respect your elders.”
Dad kept Kennedy on the 13th for us and here are a couple of pictures of her: