First, I thought I would let everyone know that I spoke with Trey for a few minutes before his phone cut out and he shot his limit of Antelope(2). For those that don't know, Trey went with Kirk & Scott Knussmann and their step dad Bill/step brother Josh to Wyoming. Apparently, there was 9 inches of snow the other night so the boys are freezing while sleeping. Supposedly, Kirk, Scott, and Trey had to sleep together to stay warm because Bill and Josh vetoed turning on the heater. After they have all shot their limit, they are suppose to be headed to a lake to go fishing which will also mean a little warmer weather. I'm starting to miss hearing his voice, since we really haven't had the opportunity to talk. He'll be home Thursday, so there should be alot of pictures coming.
This weekend was busy for us. Kennedy and I went to Olivia's 2Nd birthday party and had a great time. Before the party, Kennedy fell off the bed for the first time. Despite all of the tears, she was not hurt. Later on Saturday, I dropped her off at dad's so I could go with Mel K. to Steve Sims 50th party. We had such a wonderful time, just trying to recover. When we got home today, she fell off the couch. So, I'm thinking we are good on accidents.
Below are some photos of Kennedy playing in the dirt/potting soil. She loves to get her hands dirty.

Note to self: Don't put the markers in a place Kennedy can get them! I was cleaning in the kitchen and I put some markers in a shoe organizer in the hall closet so she can reach them. I should of known something was up because she was quite, but she had drawn all over the tile, bench, wall, potty seat, diaper bag, book, herself, and then my legs. I went to go get the markers from her and she headed for the stairs with this mischievous little smirk. I guess it's her way to display her artistic ability.

The other day before Trey left, he took this picture of Kennedy with her pacifiers on her toes. She thinks it is so funny to try to put them in her mouth from her feet. I wonder if she'll be like her mommy and put her legs behind her head.

Here she is trying to feed herself breakfast! We generally have more of the food in her hair than her mouth, but I guess they have to learn somehow. The green bowls you see are some that she gets out of the cabinets then brings to you and does the sign for cereal. She loves walking around with them. They are glass, so I'm sure they will get broken soon.